40 anthem flex label
Anthem FLEX - FMC Corporation - | Greenbook Personal Protection. Applicators and other handlers must wear: Long sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical resistant gloves such as barrier laminate, butyl rubber ≥ 14 mils, or viton ≥ 14 mils Shoes plus socks For aerial applications, mixers and loaders must also wear: PF.5 respirator. Anthem® Flex Herbicide From FMC Labeled for Weed Control in More Crops PHILADELPHIA, March 25, 2020 - Lentils, dry peas, chickpeas, soybeans and sunflowers have been added to the label for Anthem® Flex herbicide from FMC. Labeled for preplant and preemergence applications in those crops, Anthem Flex herbicide provides strong residual control of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds with burndown activity on emerged broadleaf weeds.
AgriMarketing.com - FMC's Anthem Flex Herbicide Now Labeled For Pulse ... Mar. 23, 2020. Source: FMC news release. Philadelphia - Lentils, dry peas, chickpeas, soybeans and sunflowers have been added to the label for Anthem Flex herbicide from FMC. Labeled for preplant and preemergence applications in those crops, Anthem Flex herbicide provides strong residual control of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds with ...
Anthem flex label
2021 Anthem® Flex Herbicide Winter Wheat Assurance - FMC FMC assures Anthem® Flex herbicide provides 80% Italian ryegrass and annual bluegrass control up to 45 days after application in winter wheat. Anthem Flex herbicide is a highly effective herbicide for the control of several problematic winter annual grasses in fall-planted wheat when used according to label directions. Apply 2.5-4.5 fl. oz./. Anthem® Flex Herbicide | Southern States Co-op Anthem® Flex herbicide is a low-use-rate herbicide with a wide application window and easy-to-mix formulation. It delivers residual control of key grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn, spring and winter wheat, and cotton. It's effective in all tillage systems ‒ conventional, reduced and no-till - and can be applied in the fall or in the ... PDF Flexible Powerful Accurate Against Resistance - FMC Anthem Flex Herbicide Delayed Preemergence in Wheat Charlie Cahoon, Virginia Tech, Painter, VA 2016 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2.8 fl. oz./A Anthem Flex herbicide DPRE 2.5 fl. oz./A Anthem Flex herbicide DPRE Nontreated ab Yield (Bu/A) Ryegrass Control WHEAT (SPRING AND WINTER) GROWN IN WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO AND MONTANA CROP SECTION
Anthem flex label. Anthem Flex 24c label for ryegrass in wheat - Arkansas - Farm Progress FMC's Anthem Flex label now has a Arkansas label for a true pre application of Anthem Flex in wheat. This 24c went into effect on Oct. 5. 2021 - 2022 Anthem® Flex Herbicide PNW Wheat Assurance | FMC Ag US FMC Anthem Flex Herbicide PNW Respray Assurance Guide. Anthem Flex herbicide is a highly effective herbicide for the control of downy brome, Italian ryegrass and rattail fescue in fall- and spring-planted wheat when used according to label directions. Apply 2.7-4.5 ounces (see chart below) of Anthem Flex herbicide per acre as a preplant or post plant preemergence to wheat. ANTHEM® MAXX HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Anthem ® MAXX herbicide provides long-lasting residual control against broadleaf weeds and grasses in corn and soybeans. Its low use rate and dual mode of action chemistry provides highly effective results for growers. Anthem MAXX herbicide comes in an easy-to-handle formulation that's easily and effectively tank mixed with burndown, preplant and preemergence herbicides. ANTHEM® FLEX HERBICIDE | FMC Ag US Anthem Flex herbicide has received a label expansion for weed control in dry and field peas, chickpeas, lentils, peanuts, soybeans and sunflowers. Low use rate, easy tank mixing. No known resistance issues. Wide application window for flexibility. In winter and spring wheat, it can be used 30 days preplant through fourth tiller.
EOF Anthem Flex Herbicide From FMC Labeled for Weed Control in More Crops Labeled for preplant and preemergence applications in those crops, Anthem Flex herbicide provides strong residual control of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds with burndown activity on emerged broadleaf weeds. It also provides excellent crop safety and plant-back flexibility. The active ingredients in Anthem Flex herbicide are ... Anthem Flex Receives Peanut Label (Prostko) | Ben Hill County Ag Anthem Flex Receives Peanut Label (Prostko) Anthem Flex 4SE, from FMC,recently received full labeling for use in peanut. Anthem Flex is a combination of pyroxasulfone (3.733 lbs/gal) and carfentrazone (0.267 lbs/gal). I have been testing Anthem Flex for many years so there is lots of data supporting its use in GA. PDF Supplemental Labeling For the designated application rates of ANTHEM FLEX herbicide found in this label, refer to the table below for active ingredient equivalents. Table 4. ANTHEM FLEX HERBICIDE ACTIVE INGREDIENT EQUIVALENT Rate (oz/A) Pyroxasulfone (Lb ai/A) Carfentrazone-ethyl (Lb ai/A) 1.27 0.037 0.003 1.36 0.040 0.003 1.82 0.053 0.004
Georgia Peanuts: Anthem Flex Receives Label - 6 Thoughts Anthem Flex is a combination of pyroxasulfone (3.733 lbs/gal) and carfentrazone (0.267 lbs/gal). I have been testing Anthem Flex for many years so there is lots of data supporting its use in GA. Here are a few thoughts: 1. Anthem Flex will compete for market share in peanut with Dual Magnum ( S -metolachlor), Outlook (dimethenamid- P ), Warrant ... PDF CAUTION/AVISO - Amazon Web Services Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. ... ANTHEM FLEX herbicide is a suspoemulsion containing 4.00 lb active ingredient per gallon (containing 3.733 lb ai of pyroxasulfone and 0.267 lb ai of carfentrazone-ethyl). Anthem Flex herbicide labeled for soybeans, other legumes March 21, 2020. Lentils, dry peas, chickpeas, soybeans and sunflowers have been added to the label for Anthem Flex herbicide from FMC. Labeled for preplant and preemergence applications in those crops, the herbicide provides strong residual control of grasses and smallseeded broadleaf weeds with burndown activity on emerged broadleaf weeds ... Anthem Flex Labeled for Peanuts Peanut Notes No. 24 2020 Anthem Flex Labeled for Peanuts Peanut Notes No. 24 2020. — Written By David Jordan. en Español. The product label for Anthem Flex in peanut is provided below. This product contains Aim and the active ingredient in Zidua. I will provide more information in the coming weeks. Anthem Flex Label for Peanuts.
FMC's Anthem Flex herbicide label expanded to pulse crops, soybeans ... Lentils, dry peas, chickpeas, soybeans, and sunflowers are now part of the label for FMC's Anthem Flex herbicide. Labeled for preplant and preemergence applications in those crops, Anthem Flex herbicide provides strong residual control of grasses and small-seeded broadleaf weeds with burndown activity on emerged broadleaf weeds, according to FMC officials.
PDF Flexible Powerful Accurate Against Resistance - FMC Anthem Flex Herbicide Delayed Preemergence in Wheat Charlie Cahoon, Virginia Tech, Painter, VA 2016 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 2.8 fl. oz./A Anthem Flex herbicide DPRE 2.5 fl. oz./A Anthem Flex herbicide DPRE Nontreated ab Yield (Bu/A) Ryegrass Control WHEAT (SPRING AND WINTER) GROWN IN WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO AND MONTANA CROP SECTION
Anthem® Flex Herbicide | Southern States Co-op Anthem® Flex herbicide is a low-use-rate herbicide with a wide application window and easy-to-mix formulation. It delivers residual control of key grasses and broadleaf weeds in corn, spring and winter wheat, and cotton. It's effective in all tillage systems ‒ conventional, reduced and no-till - and can be applied in the fall or in the ...
2021 Anthem® Flex Herbicide Winter Wheat Assurance - FMC FMC assures Anthem® Flex herbicide provides 80% Italian ryegrass and annual bluegrass control up to 45 days after application in winter wheat. Anthem Flex herbicide is a highly effective herbicide for the control of several problematic winter annual grasses in fall-planted wheat when used according to label directions. Apply 2.5-4.5 fl. oz./.
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