38 cutlass herbicide label
PDF Adama Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 1, Level 4, Building B Emergency 1800 ... Trade Name: Cutlass M Selective Herbicide APVMA Code: 54811 Product Use: Agricultural herbicide for use as described on the product label. Creation Date: March, 2003 This version issued: July, 2016 and is valid for 5 years from this date. Poisons Information Centre: Phone 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia Section 2 - Hazards Identification Cutlass® 500 | ADAMA Australia Cutlass® 500 herbicide controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds and brush species in fallow, grass pastures, Pinus radiata plantations and turf. ... Cutlass® 500 Label PDF0.2MB. Cutlass® 500 SDS PDF0.3MB. Key Targets. Annual & Perennial Broadleaf Weeds. Climbing Buckwheat. Spiny Emex. Volunteer Legumes. Wireweed. Crops.

Cutlass herbicide label
Cutless | SePRO Corporation Cutless consistently performs at the highest level to reduce shoot growth and clipping yield, resulting in improved aesthetics and playability. Additionally, Cutless provides many plant health and stress tolerance benefits. Features Benefits Enhances turf color and quality Improves playability, striping, and overall aesthetics DIURON 4L HERBICIDE - Loveland Products Diruon 4L herbicide is a liquid flowable to be mixed with water and applied as a spray for selective control of weeds in certain crops and for nonselective weed control on non-cropland areas. Diuron 4L herbicide may be applied to soil prior to emergence of weeds to control susceptible weed seedlings for an extended period of time. Cutlass M - PJC Sportsturf File Size 151.71 KB. File Count 2. Create Date June 25, 2018. Last Updated May 9, 2020. Download. Description Attached Files. Active: dicamba 80 g/L + MCPA 340 g/L. A selective systemic herbicide containing dicamba and MCPA. Controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds in winter cereals, pastures and turf.
Cutlass herbicide label. Buy Cutlass Herbicide Online Now - Free Delivery Australia - UDOO Cutlass Herbicide provides quick weed knockdown as well as being one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed killers available on the market, registered to control 23 weeds. Cutlass controls annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures and turf. Including: Bindii Capeweed Clover Creeping Oxalis Dandelion Jo Jo (One-Hunga) Genfarm Triclopyr 600EC Herbicide | Genfarm Safety Data Sheet Product Label Related products. Genfarm Paraquat 250 Herbicide. Genfarm Paraquat 250 Herbicide is for the control of a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds as per Directions for Use. View details. Genfarm Clopyralid 600 Herbicide. PDF Adama Australia Pty Ltd, Suite 1, Level 4, Building B Emergency 1800 ... Trade Name: Cutlass 500 Herbicide APVMA Code: 82128 Product Use: Agricultural herbicide for use as described on the product label. Creation Date: March, 2003 This version issued: July, 2016 and is valid for 5 years from this date. Poisons Information Centre: Phone 13 1126 from anywhere in Australia Section 2 - Hazards Identification PDF Cutlass® M - UDOO Cutlass® M RELEVANT LABEL PARTICULARS CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Cutlass® M Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS: 340 g/L MCPA present as DIMETHYLAMINE SALT 80 g/L DICAMBA present as DIMETHYLAMINE SALT GROUP HERBICIDE
Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator - DoMyOwn.com Cutless 0.33G Landscape Growth Regulator is labeled for perennial woody ground covers and woody ornamental shrubs and hedges, but does not specifically mention Eleagnus on the label. We recommend contacting your local extension office for assistance in a choosing a Plant Growth Regulator that is successful in your area. PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET - Horticentre Group read label before use. obtain special instructions before use. do not handle until all safety precautions have been read and understood. do not breathe fumes, mist, vapours and spray. wash hands thoroughly after handling. do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. avoid release to the environment. when mixing or applying … Cutlass 500 - ADAMA herbicide Refer to respective labels of these herbicides for application rates. Add suitable surfactant for improved coverage. Note: DO NOT apply when potato haulms are still green. GRASS PASTURES AND PERENNIAL GRASS SEED CROPS Cutlass - Nuturf Cutlass herbicide is a selective systemic herbicide with ready translocation through the plant. Controls annual and perennial broad-leaved weeds and brush species in cereals, sugar cane, sorghum, Pinus radiata plantations and other crop situations. Active 340g/L MCPA, 80g/L Dicamba Group I Rate 40-800 mL/100 L water Locate a Territory Manager
Cutless G PGR Granular Plant Growth Regulator 21 lb. - SiteOne CUTLESS G PGR : 1029.21. Cutless G PGR Granular Plant Growth Regulator 21 lb. RETAIL PRICE. $381.29 / Each. Log in to see your price. In Stock at Alpharetta GA. Cutlass® M - Turfmate International Shop CUTLASS® M herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 340 g/L MCPA and 80 g/L Dicamba It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in turf and several herbaceous weeds in general non crop situations CUTLASS® M Herbicide can be used on a large number of established turf varieties Cutlass - ADAMA herbicide Cutlass - ADAMA herbicide Cutlass registration_data_unavailable ADAMA - herbicide P7416 A selective herbicide for the control of difficult broadleaf weeds in cereals, maize, pasture and waste areas. (Controls atrazine resistant fathen in maize) Beware: Apply this product carefully. Spray drift may cause serious damage to desirable plants. PDF CAUTION - FMC Australia 63228/115135 ® Hammer 400EC Herbicide - Current Oct 2018 Page 1 of 6 . CAUTION KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING . ... restrictions apply. However, check the label of any product mixed with Hammer ® 400EC Herbicide, to determine any plant back periods or restrictions on use. RE-ENTRY . DO NOT .
Cadence - Herbicide | Syngenta Water-dispersable Granule | WG. Controls certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, conservation tillage, sugarcane, rice, turf, grain sorghum and non-crop areas. Cadence Label (345.7 KB) Cadence SDS (117.19 KB)
PDF Paradigm Herbicide Label - Corteva recommended on this label. The user assumes the risk of losses that result from the use of tank mixes that do not appear on this label or that are not specifically recommended by Dow AgroSciences Canada Inc. Read and observe all label directions, including rates, restrictions, and grazing limitations for each product used in the tank-mix.
PDF Keep Out of Reach of Children Read Safety Directions Before Opening or ... cutlass® m herbicide page 3 of 4 not to be used for any purpose, or in any manner, contrary to this label unless authorised under appropriate legislation. withholding periods: do not graze or cut for stock food 7 days after application. harvest withholding period not required when used as directed. general instructions resistant weeds warning
PDF Cutless MEC Label - SePRO Cutless MEC Label - SePRO
Specimen Label Cutless 50W - SiteOne in the Approved Usessection of this label. Application Directions Add Cutless 50W water-soluble packets to a half full spray tank. Begin agitation and allow the packets to dissolve and release their contents into the circulating water. Allow sufficient mixing time to ensure complete dispersion and mixing of Cutless 50W.
Hussar® OD Selective Herbicide | Bayer Crop Science OD Selective Herbicide. Grass weed control with convenient broadleaf back-up. Hussar is a particularly convenient and cost-effective OnePass™ post-emergent herbicide, registered for use on a unique combination of key grass and broadleaf weeds. As well controlling annual ryegrass, wild oats and annual phalaris, Hussar is active against 21 ...
PDF Ally 31786 0108 - Pest Genie DuPont™ Ally® herbicide is a dry flowable formulation to be mixed with water and applied as a spray. Partially fill the spray tank with water. Using the Ally® herbicide measuring cone provided, measure the amount of Ally® herbicide required for the area to be sprayed. Add the correct amount of Ally® herbicide to the spray
PDF Product Name: Farmoz Cutlass 500 Selective Herbicide Page: 1 of 5 This ... Product Use: Agricultural herbicide for use as described on the product label. Creation Date: March, 2003 Revision Date: November, 2003 ... Product Name: Farmoz Cutlass 500 Selective Herbicide Page: 4 of 5 This revision issued: November, 2003 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET
Cutless Granular (0.33G) | SePRO | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Agworld DBX empowers you with the right crop input label information for informed pest management and plant protection. For over than 35 years, Greenbook® has been the trusted, go-to crop inputs reference guide for farmers, ranchers, agronomists, retailers and crop advisers alike. We're here to provide you with a reliable source of plant ...
Brodal® Options Herbicide Label and SDS | Bayer Crop Science Product Type Herbicide Active Ingredient Diflufenican 500 g/L Formulation Type Suspension concentrate (SC) Pack Size 5 L 10 L Chemical Group 12 Ask us a question If you are a farmer, agronomist or distributor in Australia with a specific product query you can contact our technical helpline.
Cutlass M - PJC Sportsturf File Size 151.71 KB. File Count 2. Create Date June 25, 2018. Last Updated May 9, 2020. Download. Description Attached Files. Active: dicamba 80 g/L + MCPA 340 g/L. A selective systemic herbicide containing dicamba and MCPA. Controls annual and perennial broadleaved weeds in winter cereals, pastures and turf.
DIURON 4L HERBICIDE - Loveland Products Diruon 4L herbicide is a liquid flowable to be mixed with water and applied as a spray for selective control of weeds in certain crops and for nonselective weed control on non-cropland areas. Diuron 4L herbicide may be applied to soil prior to emergence of weeds to control susceptible weed seedlings for an extended period of time.
Cutless | SePRO Corporation Cutless consistently performs at the highest level to reduce shoot growth and clipping yield, resulting in improved aesthetics and playability. Additionally, Cutless provides many plant health and stress tolerance benefits. Features Benefits Enhances turf color and quality Improves playability, striping, and overall aesthetics
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