42 valor sx
Valor® SX Herbicide | Valent Get proven control of tough weeds and rotational flexibility with Valor® SX Herbicide. With proven performance on a broad spectrum of weeds-like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion and marestail-Valor SX provides preemergence weed control in early preplant burndown and preemergence programs. Valor SX Herbicide - 5 Pounds [59639-99] - $279.95 : Keystone Pest ... Valor SX provides unparalleled broadleaf residual control of tough weeds like Palmer and waterhemp-leading to increased yield. With crop rotational flexibility to many crops, Valor SX is the proven best pre-emerge herbicide for soybean, cotton and peanut growers. Benefits: Proven and the top-selling pre-emergence herbicide
Burndown Herbicide Options in No Till Soybeans Burndown herbicide programs for no till soybeans will include either glyphosate, glufosinate or paraquat tank mixed with 2,4-D and/or Sharpen (saflufenacil). The addition of metribuzin or Valor SX (flumioxazin) or both to the burndown program will provide residual control of marestail.

Valor sx
Which Residual Herbicide Should I Use for Waterhemp Control in Soybeans ... To obtain the information on the other components in the premix, consult Table 1. In Figure 2, we show the data for the flumioxazin (Valor) based premixes. Control is 94% or higher with Valor alone or any of the premixed products. The Trivence product contains metribuzin in addition to flumioxazin. EZ (liquid) formulations set to replace granular Valor SX and Chateau ... The new liquid formulations are called Valor EZ and Chateau EZ. While the granular formations contain 51% of the active ingredient flumioxazin by weight, the new liquid version will contain 4 lb of flumioxazin per gallon. But there is good news: the new liquid formulation can be applied at the same "ounce rate" as the granular versions. PDF Valor® SX Herbicide: Proven, Reliable Control of Tough Weeds Valor SX is six times easier to get into suspension. You can count on Valor SX to mix faster, allowing you get to get in the field sooner. Excellent tank mix compatibility Excellent storage stability. Valor SX is 21 times easier to get into suspension after long-term storage. Valor SX will continue to provide dependable and consistent results,
Valor sx. RedEagle's Flu-Rimuron | Exceptional Weed Control At A Lower ... The high rate of RedEagle's Flu-Rimuron contains the same amount of Flumioxazin in 2.8 ounces of Valor® SX and the same amount of Chlorimuron in 2.2 ounces of Classic®. The big difference is the cost. Sure, you can pay more for other, high-priced pre-mixes with these active ingredients, like Valor® XLT, Envive® and Enlite®. Supplemental Label 59639-99 Valor SX Herbicide 201700309 34-13 59639 Valor SX Herbicide may be applied to soybeans prior to planting or preemergence (after planting). Preemergence application of Valor SX Herbicide must be made within 3 days after planting and prior to soybean emergence. Application after the soybeans have begun to crack, or are emerged, will result in severe crop injury. Application RedEagle's Flumioxazin | Broadleaf Weed Control At A Better ... Valor® SX $ Cost per acre $ Savings per acre $ Total Savings If you are using less than the full label rate and want to use a higher labeled rate for improved pre-emerge weed control, you can use this rate per acre of Flumioxazin 51% WDG for the same dollars per acre you are paying for Valor® SX. Valor SX | Valent U.S.A. LLC Agricultural Products | Agworld DBX ... Valor SX | Valent U.S.A. LLC Agricultural Products | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Valor SX Snapshot ID: 44848 Active ingredients Flumioxazin Classification E Herbicide WSSA mode of action 14 Inhibition of protoporphyrinogen oxidase (PPO) Registration EPA: 59639-99 Pests
Valor | Flumioxazin | 5 Pounds - Chemical Warehouse Valor provides the longest residual control of tough/resistant weeds and competitive grass performance with crop rotational flexibility. Valor is a prefect complement to Roundup. Valor also offers complete dry bean desiccation including leaves and stems. Active Ingredient : Flumioxazin 51% PDF KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN CAUTION - Amazon Web Services ValorSX Herbicide Page 1 2016-VSX-0001 FIRST AID(continued) If in eyes:Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then contin- ue rinsing. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If swallowed: Labels for VALOR HERBICIDE (59639-99) | US EPA Labels for VALOR HERBICIDE (59639-99) | US EPA Labels for VALOR HERBICIDE (59639-99) You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more. Provided below is the information for the Product/Registration number selected. Labels Chemical Alt. Brand Name Inactive Alt. Brand Name Transfer History Site Pest EZ (liquid) Formulations Set to Replace Granular Valor SX and Chateau ... If you use the herbicides Valor ® or Chateau ®, you may notice a change with your next jug.Valent U.S.A. Corporation is phasing out production of Valor SX ® and Chateau SW ®, both water soluble granule formulations.The new liquid formulations are called Valor EZ ® and Chateau EZ ®.While the granular formations contain 51% of the active ingredient flumioxazin by weight, the new liquid ...
Agricultural Chemical Solutions, Inc. - Pesticide Prices (Generic substitute for Valor® XLT) $29.50 / lb. Flumioxazin 51% WDG by Red Eagle (Generic substitute for Valor® SX) $29.82 / lb. Foam Marker by Drexel: $26 / gal. Fomesafen 2SL by Solera (Generic substitute for Flexstar®) $37 - $38 / gal. Price Details: Fortix® by Cheminova: $358 / gal. Fusilade® by Syngenta® $113.50 / gal. Glufosinate ... Valor SX - Dixon Seed & Chemical Valor SX ( 4 x 5 # ) Get proven control of tough weeds and rotational flexibility with Valor® SX Herbicide. With proven performance on a broad spectrum of weeds-like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion and marestail-Valor SX provides preemergence weed control in early preplant burndown and preemergence programs Although Valor SX Injury Can Be Worrisome, It Typically Is Fleeting ... Valor SX injury on peanuts — photo courtesy NCSU Extension. This image provides a visual of injury from Valor SX in peanut. The greatest injury potential is when rain occurs as peanuts are emerging, especially intense rain that causes splashing of herbicide onto leaves. PDF Valor SX—Residual Control of Tough Weeds in Soybeans - Valent Valor® SX Herbicide is a quality, WDG formulation of Valor, offering growers long-lasting, residual control of tough weeds like Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, dandelion, marestail and other broadleaf weeds. Valor SX provides a strong residual herbicide foundation for a grower's field:
Valor® SX Herbicide | FBN - Farmers Business Network Valor® SX Herbicide Product label Compare similar products Product details Resources Label Safety Data Sheet Price Transparency Become a Member to See What Other Farmers Are Paying for Inputs Prices you submit will never be exposed to other farmers. Prices are anonymized and aggregated to protect your privacy. EXAMPLE PRODUCT Similar Products
Product Finder | Valent Select multiple product types to filter results. Insect Control Weed Control Disease Control PGRs and Protectants Seed Treatments Organic Solutions Sustainable Solutions Learn More about Organic and Sustainable Solutions from Valent. Crop Select multiple crops to filter results. Berries Cereals Citrus Corn Cotton Grapes Peanuts Pome Fruit Potatoes
PDF Valor® SX Herbicide: Proven, Reliable Control of Tough Weeds Valor SX is six times easier to get into suspension. You can count on Valor SX to mix faster, allowing you get to get in the field sooner. Excellent tank mix compatibility Excellent storage stability. Valor SX is 21 times easier to get into suspension after long-term storage. Valor SX will continue to provide dependable and consistent results,
EZ (liquid) formulations set to replace granular Valor SX and Chateau ... The new liquid formulations are called Valor EZ and Chateau EZ. While the granular formations contain 51% of the active ingredient flumioxazin by weight, the new liquid version will contain 4 lb of flumioxazin per gallon. But there is good news: the new liquid formulation can be applied at the same "ounce rate" as the granular versions.
Which Residual Herbicide Should I Use for Waterhemp Control in Soybeans ... To obtain the information on the other components in the premix, consult Table 1. In Figure 2, we show the data for the flumioxazin (Valor) based premixes. Control is 94% or higher with Valor alone or any of the premixed products. The Trivence product contains metribuzin in addition to flumioxazin.
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